Make-up application, Photo Shoot St Kilda beach

Photographer- Bruno Porte De Almedia / Model- Alice Russo
HMUA- Renee Garth
My most recent photo shoot was Saturday. I was the director for this shoot. I chose the theme and style of the shoot. I also chose the location, the hair style, make-up look, gathered some inspo and arranged a model.
We did a bikini shoot at St Kilda beach. The phototgrapher was Bruno Porte De Almeida. Bruno is from Brazil, he is a great photographer. I have worked with him for a few photo shoots.
We always come up with something new and creative when we team up together
The model was Alice Russo. Alice is a beginner model but she did a fantastic job. Alice is definetely talented. She was a little shy at first but didn't take her long to relax and pull off some amazing shots.
Unfortunatley we started the shoot a little later than plananed, so we were having great difficulty with the lighting. As the sun was so bright it was creating shadows over the model. However lucky enough the photographer (Bruno Porte De Almedia) had some equipment to help reflect the light.
For this shoot I was going for a natural soft look for the model. I chose to have her hair straight and down. The hairstyle suited this shoot and looked good. Although we did have difficulty maintaining it on the day as it was quite windy and humid.
When doing a photo shoot normally the model has atleast two different outfits eg, differnt colour, shape, design, style, accessories etc, so you can create different images and styles.
At first Alice wore a black and white bikini with clear beads on them. Then I asked the model to change into her other bikini. Which was strapless and bright orange with a little blue pattern on the top half. The model is also wearing a necklace I brought from Claude' de Alban.
Now for the models make-up application.
I have taken a photo of the products I used, and of the tools and brushes I needed to create this look.

Spatula- for despensing the product
Palette- for despensing the product on to
Real Techniques pointed foundation brush- I used this to apply the primer.
Professional Medium eye shadow brush- I used this to apply eye primer
Professional Medium eye shadow brush- I wiped this brush back and fourth on a face wipe then sprayed it with Isopropyl alcohol. Then I used this brush to apply a light shade over the entire lid.
Zoeva Luxe soft Definier brush 227- used for blending eye shadow along the crease of the eye.
Special soft crease brush 100s (also known as a pencil brush) - used to add definition and darken outer v and crease.
Zoeva Small angled brush- eyeliner botto lash line. Also used to apply brow powder.
Small concealer brush 1269- Used for colour correcting
Beauty blender- My most loved sponge. Great qaulity it blends and spreads the product evenly without any streaks and lines. I used this for applying the foundation and to blend the concealer.
Zoeva silk finish brush 102- I went around the neck line and hair line of the face with this brush to to assure all the edges of foundation were completely blended.
Professional soft blush brush- I used this to applt translucent powder all over the face. I also used it for powder contouring and blush.

Everytime I do a make-up application I always need some disposable tools.
Disposable Mascara wands- I used to apply the models mascara and used a clean one brush through her lashes to assure no clumping.
Disposable lip applicators- to apply vaseline to prime the lips and to later apply the liptick.
Q tips- Are always great to have in your kit. they are always great if you need to remove a little excess make-up or accidental mark or mistake you may make.
Eye lash curlers- To curl eye lashes. Be sure to change the paddings on these regular.
Now that's the tools out the way now for the product application...

Laura Mercier Primer- To prime all over the face. Except for your eyelids. Never apply all over primers, lotions or moisturisers to your eye lids. This will make your eye lids to oily and the eyeshadow will move and slide.
Vaseline- To prime the lips so they are soft and plump when time to apply the lipstick.
MAC Pro Longwear Paint Pot (Painterly)- Used to prime theyes. be sure to blend well. Leave eyes closed until set othwerwise will cause creasing. I use a little of L'OREAL Translucide naturally Luminous powder over to helpit set and to create a good base for your eye shadows.
MakeupGeek eyeshadow Vanilla bean- over the entire lid. (sorry i did not add a photo of my Makeupgeek eyeshadow Pallette however i will share images and a review in soon).
MakeupGeek eyeshadow Cre'me Brulee- Blended along the crease to add definition to the eye
MakeupGeek eyeshadow Taupe Notch- To darken the outer v of the eye and along the crease.
MakeupGeek eyeshadow Baby face- to highlight under brows
Maybelline New York Master Precise liquid liner- for top lashline eye-liner. Starting thin in the inner corners slowly becoming slightly wider towards outer v.
MakeupGeek eyeshadow Corrupt- I used this eye shadow with a small angle brush and applied it 3/4 of the way accross the bottom lash-line slowly fading towards the inner of the eye.
MAC ZOOM LASH Mascara- applied three thin coats to the top lashes and one thin coat on the bottom lashes.
INGLOT brow powder- applied to eye brows.
INGLOT Foundations 48 and 49 mixed together
MAC Pro Longwear concealer NC20- applied under eyes. I also used a little of the left over concealer to highlight along the cupids bow, and along the brige of the models nose.
L'OREAL Translucide Naturally Luminous powder- A light powder of this all over the face to set foundationa and cocnealer.
INGLOT Bronzer- as a light contour.
INGLOT Peach blush
Anastacia beverly Hills Illuminator starlight- I lightly applied this along the models cheek bone
SAAVY lipliner nude crystal
MAC Lipstick - from the 6 modern browns Pro palette- Peach Stock then appled Frenzy
Then last but not least 'i completed this look with a little spritz of Australis Rose water spray.

Black and White photo form this shoot. Photographer Bruno Porte De Almedia / Model Alice Russo / HMUA Renee Garth